We all get old. It’s a human thing, our bodies start to degrade and depending on our lifestyle and what has happened to us in life, this may be faster or not. And, yes, it also depends on our genes and our lifestyle.
Human longevity is expanding with each passing decade and yet there are conditions that afflict us that prevent us from gaining full appreciation of the extended life span.
Diabetes is one of the conditions that reduces our life spans.
Take for example a 55-year-old Canadian male… I know, females live longer but these are numbers I have to work with.
That 55-year-old Canadian male is projected to have a further 23.3 years to live.
If that 55-year-old Canadian male, with Type 2 Diabetes, does not manage their condition well: that is, they do not make any lifestyle changes required and do not monitor their Diabetes properly, they will have a projected life span of an additional 13.2 years.
If that 55-year-old Canadian male, with Type 2 Diabetes, manages their condition well: that is they make the lifestyle changes required, and do not monitor their Diabetes properly, they will have an additional 21.1 years to live. Just 2.2 years less than the 55-year-old male without Type 2 Diabetes.
There is no getting away from the projections, Type 2 Diabetes will shorten your life, poor management of it will shorten it considerably. Diabetes also affects the aging process. How our bodies change as we age is accelerated by Diabetes.
Book – Aging and Diabetes
Available on Amazon
Paperback ISBN: 978-1990876677
eBook ISBN: 978-1990876653
Hard Cover ISBN: 978-1990876660
Photography: Mark A. Ashford
Music – Epidemic Sound – ES_Inspiration – Megan Wolford
Referral Link: https://www.epidemicsound.com/referral/x4pe9m/
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