Prevent and Reverse Naturally Type 2 Diabetes

Hello and welcome to my book Prevent and Reverse Naturally Type 2 Diabetes. I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes December 20, 2022. It was a shock. It brought a number of thoughts, and fears, to the surface. It brought a sense of my life being at risk. As you will learn from this book, my perspective on diabetes was horrendously negative.

My father was diagnosed as diabetic in his later years when I was a young lad, just taller than the knees of a grasshopper. It was the late 1960s. The situation was confusing and stressful for my parents. Information was limited and there was little technology or drugs except for insulin injections to help.

Fast forward to my life in Canada where I met people who had succumbed to the complications of diabetes. I marvelled at their continued zest for life in spite of amputation, and loss of vision. Suddenly, diabetes was much more serious than I had seen with my father.

Unfortunately, my experiences immediately after diagnosis, with everything from the pharmacy to the recommended websites generated a deep and depressing sense of impending darkness. Emotional support is a factor in diagnosis and sustaining a positive outlook. I had to reach inside for my strength.

As a Reiki Master Teacher and Instructor, and, a Shaman. I am used to my guiding spirits speaking to me and giving me guidance and help. Through this guidance and messages, I started to read and learn that Type 2 Diabetes can be reversed. The road tilted upwards, not down.

I began to separate old, outdated and negative views of diabetic treatment from the new, current, positive, and proactive outlook. I could see I had to take responsibility for my lifestyle changes and the changes I had to make. There is new knowledge and understanding of diabetes that had to be applied and I had decisions to make.

To be successful at reversing my Type 2 Diabetes my lifestyle changes had to be strictly applied. I would say, “Hard Core.” My ultimate goal was to be off Metformin, my diabetes medication, and eventually for it to be optional to wear a CGM.

I was diagnosed December 20, 2022. In November 2023, With my doctor’s approval, I stopped my oral medication and have been medication free ever since.

It can be done. You need perseverance. Clear thinking and a strong will. Read on to find out more and how.

This is my store, my journey … my experiences Reversing my Type 2 diabetes naturally.